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Top Tips For Organising An End Of Year Second Hand Sale

If you are looking for a way to make some extra cash whilst having a bit of a clear-out at home then making the decision to sell some of your old stuff is definitely the way to go. You will be surprised at how much money you can raise by doing this, not to mention how easy it is.
Here are our top tips to help you to sell your old and unwanted stuff before the year is out!
Sorting out what to sell

The first step is to pull together everything you potentially want to sell. Go through your home room by room looking for things you no longer use. If there is anything you are not sure you want to sell then put that in a black plastic bag and put this is your garage of attic. If you have not gone to the garage and got an item out of the plastic bag after that a couple of months you can be sure that you do not really need it and you’ll know for sure that it is safe to sell it.

 Decide how you are going to sell each item

At the sorting out stage, try to decide how you are going to sell each thing – this will usually be based on its potentially worth. Take for example an old designer coat; if you sell it at a car boot you will get much less money for it than you would get if you sold it on eBay or sold it to a specialist clothes shop. After you have sold a few things you will get a feel for what sells well and where

 Research the price

If you come across something old that you own then check that it is not a valuable item before selling it at a car boot sale or to a re-seller. The last thing you want is to see is something similar to the item you have just sold for 10p on The Antique Roadshow being valued at hundreds of pounds.

Old items of furniture, clothes, jewellery, crockery, electronics and even old clothes could have a significant value. As a rule of thumb, check the value of anything that is more than twenty years old. It is surprising how often people later discover that they have practically given away something that worth a lot of money.

 Preparing an item to be sold

If an item is a little dirty or has a small fault that you can easily repair, it is often worth cleaning it or taking the time to repair it. Doing so can make the item more saleable and allow you to get more money for it.

If you are listing something online you must be honest about the condition of the item and include good quality photos in the listing. The photos will make it easier for potential buyers to establish if the item is what they are really looking for. Being honest about the condition of an item will ensure that you are paid the agreed amount and do not become embroiled in disputes once the item has been sold.

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