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Colourful Clothes for Every Woman

There are times where it can be difficult for a woman who loves colour to find clothes that she likes. Every few seasons, black is definitely back and many shops seem to take things to the extreme and stock very few colourful garments. However, that never happens to the customers of the New Zealand designer Andrea Moore. From the start, her and her husband realised that it is important to give customers a good choice of tones and colours. Andrea famously said, “You won’t find much black in our stores or collections, I believe colour gives everyone the ability to truly be an individual.” Mixing things up and making high quality clothes is a recipe for success, the firm has gone from running one store in Wellington in 1999 to selling their clothes worldwide.

All shapes and sizes

Colour is a great way for women to accentuate their natural beauty and compliment their body shape. The right colour can bring life and light to their skin and accentuate the colour of a woman’s eyes.

Colour is also a great way to make an impression and reflect the personality. Bright, zany colours are perfect for women with a lot of energy and a love of partying. Women who are quiet and understated by nature still want to wear colour, but for them more muted colours such as purples, browns and lighter shades of other colours like blue work best for them. Having a good choice of colours is something most women want and those designers and retailers who remember have consistently good sales.

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