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5 Reasons Why Guys Prefer Petite Women


This is a question that has been asked over and over again, by men and women all over the world. But has anybody ever really got a proper answer? Yeah, sure, there’s the obvious ones like “they are just more attractive” and “they’re so darn cute” but is this really the real reason? I don’t think so – and I’ll tell you why. 

The Relationship Power

Although the best relationship is built on equality, most guys that you talk to will tell you that they like to feel a sense of power in a relationship. Not in a negative way, but in a macho, heroic kind of way. This is easy to do with the petite girl.Feeling like the knight in shining armour, coming in and swept you off your feet will make your man feel tough, masculine and powerful. He will feel the need to protect you and keep you safe. That vulnerability is a very attractive quality to a lot of guys.

Great Big, Little Hugs

A lot of guys love the feeling of hugging a petite woman. That perfect connection that is made when your head rests under his chin, his arms fit comfortably over your shoulders and yours fit comfortably round his waist. These kinds of hugs are what keep men coming back for more and what make petite women so attractive.

Amazingly Modest

Being confident and outgoing is a great quality in many women, but if you are a bit on the short side, you may have spent a lot of years worrying about your height rather than your confidence. This modest quality that many petite women have is very attractive to guys. Not being where you are attractive is actually what makes you more attractive.

Relationship Security

It’s a sad fact, but men feel like they are more secure in a relationship with the petite woman. In general, men are incredibly insecure (even though they will never admit it) so being in a relationship with somebody who is shorter than them makes them feel like they are in the driving seat, and that they don’t have to worry unnecessarily about the relationship.

Fantastically Feminine

There is something about the petite woman that is just more feminine. A lot of it may have to do with the clothes that they were. Clothing stores that specialise in petite women’s clothes (such as Miss Williams) will accentuate a petite frame in a stylish, chic and feminine way. So is it any wonder that guys find petite women so attractive?

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