Retail and Wholesale

The Changing Face Of Fashion Retail

The Changing Face Of Fashion Retail

Over the years, fashion retail has changed drastically. Up until the 1950s and 60s most fashion retail outlets were run by independent owners. Many offered a very personal service including basic tailoring. In the 1960s High Street chains began to be formed. During that time what was expected of fashion retail staff gradually changed and evolved. It was no longer necessary for those who worked in fashion retail to be able to take up a hem. However, some things do not change.

What Modern Fashion Retailers Need From Their Staff

Those who work in the fashion industry still need to have a good sense of style. They need to be able to look at a customer and know what will look good on them. It is important for those who work in fashion to be approachable, friendly and tactful. They need to be able to give a customer their honest opinion without disappointing or upsetting them and to be able to guide them to buy other items that work better for them.

Most stores need their staff to be skilled merchandisers. They need people who are able to follow procedures and to adapt when new systems are introduced into their stores.

People who work in retail need to be able to deal with all kinds of customers including those who are confrontational. Unfortunately, shoplifting is widespread, so staff must be able to deal with this issue and keep a company’s losses to a minimum.

Finding Work in Fashion Retail

Finding work in fashion retail is far easier than it once was. There is no longer a need to dress up and traipse from shop to shop looking for work. These days, the vast majority of fashion outlets advertise their jobs on specialist fashion job boards like the one here.

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